
jeudi 19 mars 2015

[HELP] No Modules Working topic


I have been using Xposed for a Long time. The first time I downloaded it and installed the latest version, it would keep saying in red that the latest version still needs to be installed. After installing it all different ways, it still didn't work so I discovered that older versions might work. Ever since I have been using version 2.5.1.

Recently, because of the older version, I couldn't download and activate a lot of the modules because they required the later Xposed version so I decided to try fix it and now I'm using version 2.6.1.
I disabled resource hooks and it seemed to work. I'm now using the later version of Xposed and the red message doesn't appear anymore. However, NONE of my modules seem to be working now and I can't figure out why.
If anyone can help me that would be greatly appreciated!

Device: HUAWEI G610-U20
Android 4.2.1 JellyBean

I have attached my latest log file from Xposed.

If any other further information is required I will be happy to provide!

EDIT: one of my modules seem to have randomly started working and I have also noticed that the light on my soft buttons isn't displaying anymore. If this is related could anyone tell me how to fix this aswell?
