
dimanche 29 mars 2015

[Q] protocols and URLs/URIs topic

i would like to know the meaning of various protocols i have seen in URIs that XPrivacy is showing me.

for example, i notice Google Account Manager is trying to access something at content://media/external/images/... what exactly is that referencing? there is no /media directory on the filesystem...
also noticed some references to content://com.google.android.gms.download/download/libappdatasearchext_armeabi_v7a.so for example, but i don't exactly see that either... there's a /data/data/com.google.android.gms/app_download/ but it doesn't have that .so file in it. in fact 'find' didn't find that file anywhere in the filesystem...
i thought i saw some other protocols besides "content" but can't seem to find those right now in my XPrivacy logs...

sorry really new to Android, thanks
